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Attributional Tool 


The role out of NDIS heralds a changing world for all things mental health, and disability.  For employers, pivotal to success in that new world, is the capacity to recruit new, and effective support workers.  Moreover, there is an ethical responsibility to both staff and clients, for organisations to match employees well to their recruited roles-particularly the roles provided by front-line staff. 


To facilitate effective recruitment, we have created the first of a series of Attributional Tools.  These tools provide a self-assessment of strengths and of areas for development to assist potentials workers to identify their learning and career development pathways. Built using best-practice research principles, including ethics approval with Charles Sturt University, the tools are reverse engineered from the experience of front-line staff identified as excellent in their roles, along with their managers, with results then screened by a panel of subject matter experts.  Our first Attributional tool targets the Mental Health Support Worker Role. 

With a monthly online intake, the tool provides new and existing staff with an opportunity to become more aware of their strengths and weaknesses in relation to the mental health support worker role. Taking approximately 45 minutes to complete in full, the tool is formatted as an online quiz, exploring how well the individual performs on nine, industry bench-marked attributes.  Alternatively, the individual can choose to complete each attribute section of the quiz separately, saving the content and completing sections as and when you can. 

What the tool does for you

Successful completion results in the learner gaining an overview of their performance against these attributes -

  1. Employers are able to use the tool to determine good fit with the mental health support worker role, or to identify areas of challenge which may require additional education and training
  2. For workers with a lived experience of mental health, taking on peer support or other roles, it will also provide information to help build workplace wellness plans
  3. Individuals, and employers gain insight around areas of strength in this role, and this opens up opportunities for professional development and growth. This information can then facilitate the provision of targeted training and development pathways, and increase the likelihood of successful role matching
  4. The responses in the tool are moderated by qualified academics and confidential, and could also be used to monitor progress over time as a worker gains experience
For more information, go to attributional tool


In addition to the attributional tools, the PPA have researched, benchmarked and launched a series of 18 sector informed, and internationally recognized certifications. 

In providing this service, we are actively seeking to address the shortfall between the idea of the roll out of the NDIS, and the pragmatics of providing an empowered, excellent, and compliant workforce to those with a lived experience of mental illness or disability.

Drawing on main tenets of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), these courses provide new and existing staff with the opportunity to submit via an online portal, evidence toward certification in one or more of six certification categories.

Each certification is reflective of targeted areas encompassed by the community services sector including mental health, disability, aged care and community living and supports.  

Additionally the certifications target operational, supervisory and business leader personnel.

Each category of certification provides learners with a career pathway to demonstrate skills and knowledge relative to operating, managing and leading businesses in roles across the Community Services Sector of which they have relative experience. 

Successful completion results in the learner gaining an international certification through the PPA in the applicable category and level.

For more information, go to training store
You can contact us via email or phone 1300 772 284.

Job Vacancies

Searching for a job can seem overwhelming, the PPA is here to help you. We are committed to keeping our members up-to-date around the latest job vacancies for the sector. We will also assist you with your interview and application preparation, search tips and more.

All jobs are promoted through our twitter feed, click here to search.


Internships offer you the opportunity to transfer the skills you have gained through study into industry experience necessary to build your resume.

The PPA will keep you up-to-date with current internships advertised via our twitter feed here.


Becoming a volunteer has many benefits, the role allows you to become more involved in your community, learn new skills, meet new people, add value to your resume and utilise skills you already have helping others.

PPA promote volunteer opportunities on our twitter feed here.

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